Thursday, July 24, 2008

Riding On the Ranch

On Tuesday instead of working at the ranch we finally got the real pay for the work we've been doing, we got to ride.  I forgot to take my camera which was a big mistake but oh well.  We went up at 7:30, it takes about an hour and a half to get the ranch in Hanna.  We spent four hours on the horses.  We rode up the mountain side on a trail for a while and then did some more intense off-trail stuff, even had to get off the horses and hike on foot for a while.  When we go to the top we were on the spine of a gorgeous hillside that over looked a perfectly green valley of trees.  The first thing we saw was the valley and a hawk gliding through the sky, it was perfectly quiet while we heard the hawk screeching, it was amazing.  On the way back, my horse decided he wanted to be in the front of the pack, and I decided that if we were going to be in front I'd see how fast I could get him to go... so I clicked my mouth, tapped my heel, and spoke a quiet, "let's go" and we took off.  A trot to a gallop, a gallop to a canter, and then we finally broke out into a run.  It was a surreal feeling, as if you're flying.  The ride goes from awkward and uncomfortable to indescribably graceful yet intense.  It was the fastest I've ever ridden, and also the most fun I've had.  What an amazing chance to enjoy the beauties of the outdoors with the best guide out there, and the smartest man I know Cordell Bott.

Sunday Night Katie and I went for a walk around the Temple it was way fun.  We hadn't hung out for a few weeks actually and it was great to talk.  We made a couple of laps around while I told her about my comedy routine ideas... Then drove home!  It was a great Sunday.  

Katie has had some photo shoots and is taking some modeling as well as acting classes.  On Monday she started dancing seven hours a day again!  We are great friends but we are keeping it at a friendship level as best as we can.  We haven't spent very much time together this summer which has made it easier to be just friends!  This summer has been full of work and fun!


Heidi said...

wow, i loved reading your story on the horse. You are a great writer! how neat to be able to do that!!! Wish you'd had your camera huh. Can't wait to hang out tomorrow night! happy 24th! Oh, PS... I don't know anybody cuter than you and Katie... What a marvelous couple. Love ya bro

Haley said...

Aw I wanna go riding!! That sounds like an awesome experience! I bet it was so gorgeous up there. I love your pictures of the temple and the one of you with Katie, two beautiful people, inside and out! Loves!

jakeandstephanietaylor said...

Seriously...Katie is so cute! You guys are really cute together...and it makes it even cuter that your just keeping it friends! I loved reading your horse riding story, sounds AMAZING! Your awesome! We wont be there tomorrow, but the girls will:) Actually I think we might come! See ya Bro