Saturday, November 7, 2009

Mission Call

So I got my call Wednesday, and long story short I didn't open it until Friday! I waited to go down to St. George Friday after my classes so I could be with the family and open it there. It was an awesome trip and it was a great experience opening my call with the family all around. I got a little choked up and all of course because it was so cool to hear the amazing promises that the Lord has given to those who choose to serve him, and just realizing that I have my mission call! Something that I've sung about since primary! I'm going to the Brazil, Fortaleza mission and I leave on March 17th. What an honor to leave on Grandpa J's birthday. Dad and Haley both guessed Brazil but only Dad's count becaues Haley had like five other guesses along with Brazil. A great weekend! Complete with a visit to the Stahley Family Farm, phase ten, shopping, and amazing yogurt! KRAZE

I wish I had stayed more updated here but when you're trying to do it on facebook and a journal it gets tough! It's been a great semester of college. Everything is going well and I've met some awesome guys from Burley Idaho that I spend a lot of time with! One, who I'm closest to, has his call to Des Moines Iowa and he leaves Jan 20th. Too many things to write about, so I'll leave it at that!


1 comment:

jakeandstephanietaylor said...

Love ya bro and Im sooo excited for your mission!! Youre an amazing brother!